family · friendship

Do I care if you made that??

Sometimes when other people make things, it is such a great accomplishment that our manners are not an issue: Of course we compliment them and honor the creation. But sometimes, the creation falls far short of magnificent, and it is important here to value the creator, even if the creation seems substandard in our perspective.… Continue reading Do I care if you made that??


To Grandmother’s House We Go

If we are inconsiderate, sometimes our worlds can shrink to be smaller than we even realize. In this case, a loving grandmother tries to access the shrunken worlds of her inconsiderate grandchildren, but she finds her grandchildren hopelessly out of her reach. Considerate grandchildren, on the other hand, realize that even important relationships are a… Continue reading To Grandmother’s House We Go


The proper way to welcome a new person

Being inconsiderate means an intentional or unintentional lack of awareness of the world around us. Of course the inconsiderate children do not care about the woman who wants to join their pickleball game. The first symptom is that they don’t even care what her name is. This is their loss. On the other hand, considerate… Continue reading The proper way to welcome a new person